Glow Worm Tours
A visit to Tamborine Mountain would not be complete without visiting the “Tamborine Mountain Glow Worm Caves” at Cedar Creek Estate Vineyard. Opened in 2004, tours are approximately half an hour and will take you on an enlightening journey to another world.
Walk through the rainforest on our raised boardwalk and bridge over the starting place of pristine Cedar Creek to get to the caves.
Our friendly water dragons will meet you at the entrance to our amazing Glow Worm Caves. Our cave features a large colony of native Mt. Tamborine Glow Worms, and is part of a long-term breeding program, so your admission helps support and ensure the survival of the species in South East Queensland for future generations!
This means you are guaranteed to see thousands of Glow Worms inside our cave all year round. Glow Worms require very specific environmental conditions and the cave has been fitted with equipment to maintain these conditions throughout the year, thereby providing the perfect environment for a healthy Glow Worm colony.